Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy "ME" time

Lepas confinement period, macam2 rasa nk buat utk indulge kan diri yg satu far yg dah tercapai baru "facial".... hair treatment & body scrub belum sempat nk buat....tapi dah beli Papaya body scrub from BodyShop...tgh tggu masa yg sesuai utk scrubbing coz takde org nk tgk kena tggu Papa cuti baru leh buat...last weekend papa ada job pasang dua2 hari weekend mmg Papa sibuk ngn cctv tu....petang ahad plak g berbuka rumah mak tok.....

oh lupa...entry kali nie nk citer pasal facial...dah lama rasanya tak buat facial....last one was few years back....hahahhaa...lama ari sabtu aritu my sis ckp nk g buat facial...dia buat kat aster spring and now they have promotion buy one free one at RM198.....emmmm....nmpk cam mahal kan...tapi sbb muka dah kering giler (akibat tak cuci muka selama 44 hari), so i decided to go with it......

Pengalaman facial kat situ best.....takde picit2 jerawat...ada la picit blackhead takde rasa scary sgt....(mind u i have needle-phobia, picit2-phobia and bumper phobia)..dia buat urutan muka n neck.....lepas facial, rasa refresh....kulit muka pun dah tak kering sgt.....dah ada moisture....lembut pun lembut...heheheheh....sbb happy with the result, i'v signed up the Rm600 promotion....phewwwww....guna duit bonus yg tinggal baper sen tu lagi....heheheh.....bila bgtau papa, dia ckp "haaaaaaa...rm600 utk facial?" hahahaha...rileks....its not a one time facial yg harga rm600....promotion tu dpt 4 kali facial, 3 kali eye treatment, 3 kali neck treatment and 50% discount on any treatment on my birthday ok kot kan? Pape pun, i will recommend ppl to go walaupun agak pricey....and they use dermatologica product....i tot of changing my current cleansing product to dermatologica....kite try dulu samples yg dia bg...kalo ok, baru beli....kalo tak, just stick with the current one....heheheh

next agenda -> hair treatment before raya....rambut pun dah kena kasik potong sket utk another refreshing look.....k...byeeee

Friday, August 12, 2011

The end of the Confinement Period

Today marks Adiy's 44th day which also means the end on my confinement period...phewwww.....2mr, i can eat, go shopping and do what i want to do.....yeayyyyy.....during confinement period i only eat kingfish (ikan tenggiri), grill meat and sup sawi.....boring betul.....but one thing i cant miss is my kitkat...i never heard that u cant eat chocs during confinement, meaning i can have my kit kat right? tapi if u said cant, i dah belasah dah pun....every alternate day i must hv my kitkat...itu je la mknn yg dpt mengumbirakan hati ini....masa time pantang anya pun i eat kitkat during confinement...hehehhe...i mmg hantu chocolate.....

so lets see....what do i want to hv for my raya 2mr? hahahah....i'm craving for popcorn, aunty's anne pretzel and last but not least, secret recipe carrot cake...yummyyyyy......i'm thinking whether i shud make creampuff or bread pudding for 2mr's breakfast....emmmmmm.....let me thing and let u know later k.....tata

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby gifts

One month before adiy lahir, I dok risau mcm2 especially pasal baju dia yg belum dibeli...nk recycle yg kakak adiy punya, mmg takleh sgt coz 90% daripada baju anya is pink kalo leh, tanak la adiy pakai pink sgt kan....hehehe

until the date of the operation, I tak beli sehelai pun baju adiy...huhuhu...tak sempat sgt coz too many work...nk tido pun time tu mmg tak sempat.....sib baik ada sehelai dua baju anya yg kaler leh gak buat pakai balik dari hospital.....

at 42 days, adiy punya baju sekarang lagi byk dari mama dah rasanya....i think adiy got over 30 helai baju....dari size newborn sampai la umur 2 duit I takyah beli baju byk2 kat let me list down apa baby gift yg adiy dpt utk dijadikan rujukan in case uols nk bagi baby gift to ur frens:-

1. Baju & seluar (including rompers) (over 30 helai)
2. toileteries (brand johnson&johnson, kiko, anakku & pureen) - barang nie, anya punya dulu pun smpi skang tak abis2 lagi...hahahaha
3. botol susu (ada dlm 5 botol)
4. kasut (2 pasang)
5. beg susu (3 biji)
6. barang2 lain such as towel, baby bowl
7. last but not money money (amount dirahsiakan) hahahaha

okie...that's time kalo uols rasa taktau nk bagi pe kat kawan uols yg beranak, bagi je la duit, tapi kalo rasa cam tak sesuai, bagi je baju....kalo nk lain dari yg lain, beli kan je gift utk mama dia....heheheheh....utk mama dia, leh beli byk benda....hehhehehe....

Monday, August 8, 2011

On investment

Asyik ckp pasal anya & adiy je, arini kita tukar citer plak...pasal investing....dlm dunia yg serba mata duitan nie, kite kena pandai invest...naper kita kena invest? sbb every year, ada inflation, bila ada inflation, harga barang2 akan naik (dlm 5-10% setahun)...kalo nk harapkan duit gaji (yg naiknyer kekadang tak smpi 5% pun), cane kita nk maintain kehidupan kita.....

kita leh invest dlm byk instrument, depending on our risk apetite...some of the investment are VERY RISKY (ie. equity), whilst some of the investment are less risky (ie. unit trust, properties) and some with no risk (ie deposits-ASB).

Some people said its better to diversify, some ppl said its better to NOT me, its better if we diversify coz if sumthing happen to one of our investment, we still have back up on other investments....therefore, my advise is NEVER PUT ALL UR EGGS IN ONE BASKET! its dangerous...

At 30 years old, i'v invested in equity, unit trust, properties, gold, asb and even venture into small business....based on my tiny experience, i found that timing is the most crucial element in our must know when to enter and when to exit the investment...dont get to greedy coz greed can eat you up....this applies to all investment above except for no risk investment such as ASB....

i'll tell you more abt my investment so far in my next post k

Saturday, August 6, 2011

jumpa Doctor

Anya sejak dari kecik mmg fobia sgt jumpa doctor (ikut sapa tah :P)...bila jumpa doctor, belum sempat doctor buat pape, dia dah nangis kuat2 dah...bila letak steteskop tu, lagi kuat la dia teriak....sometimes, bila dgr nurse panggil dia, dia punya memberontak tanak masuk dlm bilik doctor sampai guling2 depan bilik doctor...hahahaha

pastu time doctor dok periksa dia, sambil nangis2 tu, dia dok lambai saying "bye2" "muah" - dengan harapan doctor tu cepat la blah....kelakar tgk gelagat anya dulu2.....

skang nie, sejak ada adik adiy, anya dah semakin berani...che che cheeeee.....aritu kan g suntik adiy...anya kena ikut skali sbb anya doc tu agaknya dah kenal sgt pe'el anya, dia check adiy dulu...adiy elok je tido...nangis time kena suntik...time adiy nangis tu, pandai plak anya nk shhhhh kan adik dia......dia letak jari kat mulut dia suruh adik senyap....wah wah wahhhhhh.....

pastu time anya plak doc nk check, muka anya dah lain....anya dok rapat sgt ngn papa...sbb takut....tapi anya dah jadik brave girl...walaupun nmpk anya takut, anya tak nangis dah....good girl la anya nie....i hope u'll be brave 4eva ya....jgn jadik cam mama....anak dah 2 org pun still takut ngn jarum...heheheheh

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

tabung haji

today bawak adiy g 1st month dah alang2 kuar tu, terusla ke tabung haji..niat nk bukak account kat tbg haji mmg dah lama...cuma x berkesempatan nk g....tadi bukak account utk mama,papa,anya & adiy...alhamdullilah...masa menunggu, zero..meaning, tekan nombor, terus kena panggil...efficient tul...proses dia pun jap je...okla...ingatkan nk register utk haji skali...tapi syarat dia kena ada at least rm1300 dlm acct baru leh register....xpela...slow2...kite target, by end of this year, empat2 org sume dah achieve rm1300 tu k...insyaAllah....